
Pawsitively Purrfect Cat Card

Hey, that’s a Joy’s Life “Lots of Pun” stamp!

Today while some cleaning was going on in my house my furriest friend escaped.  With everything going on, no one even noticed for a while.  Then DS#1 came home from school and saw our cat, Domino, belly crawling outside the back door.  See, he always thinks he wants to get out, but then he gets out there and realizes it’s a scary world!  There’s no air conditioning, no food and water waiting in a nice bowl and he can’t safely taunt others.  When DS#1 opened the back door, Domino bolted inside like he’d been shot out of a cannon.  So, he’s happily back in now and I’m quite relieved since he’s one of my best little friends in the world. 😀

Here he is now!

I made this card using the Create A Critter Cricut cartridge and some K & Co. paper.  Do you like the stamp?  That’s from my new stamp set!!  Look inside my card and you’ll see another stamp.  A paw print!!

Let’s “paws” for a moment and look at that paw stamp!

I took this picture of the cat card sitting up on a shelf…just like Domino
would like to do.

I hope you like this preview of two of my new stamps.  There are so many cute ones, I had a hard time choosing which one to use, but after Domino’s adventures outside I knew I had to use these.  Soon I’ll have a picture preview of all of the stamps for you to see!

Domino says, “Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.”
  That means, “I hope you have a great night.  Now give me a cat treat.”  😀


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  1. HOLY COW KITTY CAT!!!!! I need these stamps…..SWEET MS. JOY…….you have outdone yourself…..glad the kitty was safe and sound!!!!!!

  2. awww!!! so totally cute! I love my kitty cats too (and they are just as terrified if they get outside…..scaredy cats!)

    Can’t wait to see the rest of the stamps!!!

  3. Those are adorable. I say that even though I am a dog person! lol, still love the stamps and die cuts 🙂

  4. Way cute card! My “Tom” cat (yes, his name is Tom) is the exact same way…he lives indoors but likes to sit in the window and taunt the birds outside with his kitty warbles. Once I let him out, he freaks and can’t handle the reality of it all. Love that silly cat!
    Love your stamps!


  6. Domino this is from our Miss. Pumpkin Puss, who is our cat.
    Welcome back in the house. The cat nip on the other side of the door isn’t greener.

    I want these stamp’s joy!!!

  7. Cute card! Can’t wait to see your stamps. I just have to tell you…. I love to ready your blog. I just got done reading some of your previous posts (teacher gift ones) and I was truly laughing out loud at some of the things you say. Every time I come on here to look, I get some great ideas, but most importantly, I go away feeling much better because you made me laugh. Thanks for always brightening my day!

  8. Very cute! Love the stamps. Domino looks like our Wiskers, down to the white paws (your card cat would look extra-cute w/ some white paws). Our lunker is well over 20 pounds of muscle. Just huge.

  9. Awww! Domino is so cute! You’d have to make the stamp say “Pawsitively Purrfectly Evil.” LOL! She whacks our poor labs every chance she gets. The card is so cute and I can’t wait to see the whole stamp set. Thanks, Pam

  10. I had a cat just like that when I was a little girl. Her name was Inky and she was a terrible mother. Your card is adorable and I know my grandaughters will love it. I hope you do not mind if I “card lift” it. Have a great week and I hope I win.

  11. Love the card and hope that you start selling the stamps soon. I really would like to learn how to make my own…….I really need more time to do the things I want. I will be getting the create a critter cartridge soon. Love it just have not bought it.

  12. Oh what a cute kitty! I can’t count the number of kitties, and dogs, we have rescued/fostered over the years. At one point we had 5 cats and 3 dogs. Boy was our house busy then. I love this card and the stamps are going to be great! When will you start selling them? They would be great for those of us who work for rescues/shelters to make cards and sell them for donations and the money can then be donated to the rescue/shelters. Thanks Joy!

    1. Hey Shell028, that’s a wonderful idea. I would love to think of these stamps being used that way. We rescued Domino, so I really appreciate the rescue shelters and the dedication so many people put into them. I should be pre-ordering really soon and the stamps should be in in 2-3 weeks for shipping. 🙂 Thank you so much for your interest and nice comment!

  13. Looks like you have stamps all ready for that infamous cat cartridges that so many people have requested from PC. Good for you on the stamps and video. Can’t wait to find out more.

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