
Notebook Paper Design Element in Sweet Teacher Pillow Box

Use Joy's Life Holiday & Everyday Occasions stamps to mix and match sentiments.

 Want to save some money and still make a cute themed gift for a teacher?  Use notebook paper!  You can stamp on it write on it or even use it as wrapping paper.  I say, “Raid the kids school supplies.  The school year is almost over anyway!  LOL!”

I’m using Joy’s Life Everyday Occasions stamps to create this sentiment.  Go check out Holiday & Everyday Occasions stamp sets and see how many different sentiments you can make!

Pillow boxes are AWESOME!

You can now buy these clear pillow boxes on my Products Page.  I LOVE these things!  They’re so easy to use.  You can decorate them with tons of different things and they make a great way to give smaller gifts.  Think candy, gift cards, earrings and more.  I’m just using some leftover paper pieces to add a touch of color to the box.  Simply wrap the paper around the pillow box and glue it closed.  Nothing could be simpler.  Well, pie is simpler…as long as you just have to eat it but not if you have to make it from scratch.

I wanted to punch notebook paper many times as a student. Now it's acceptable! LOL!

 Punch out a few layers of notebook paper and then stamp directly on it OR stamp on another piece of paper and glue it on top of the notebook paper.  Whatever fits your stamping style the best is just fine!

These pillow boxes are sturdy.

Using pillow boxes is an easy way to give smaller inexpensive gifts in a nice way.  You can use them to easily put together a bunch of gifts at the last minute.  If you have several teachers to give things to, this can be a real time saver!  I have 3 kiddos, so I completely understand how overwhelming it can get when we want to say thanks to a teacher but have to create everything in multiples.  YIKES!  Use pillow boxes, add some candy and decorate with whatever you have on hand.  Easy!

Be sure to check out the new products available on my products page. 😀

I’ll See You Tomorrow with a New Project!

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  1. Don’t have any young kids in school . All of mine are grown, but those would be cute ideas for showers or birthdays. Thanks for sharing

  2. What a CUTE simple Thank You gift for anyone! I enjoy the pillow boxes too…. they seem to make a simple gift have that wow factor from the one who receive it! 🙂


  3. So cute, would have loved this when I was teaching. Also would be nice to include at little note or drawing from the child, always treasured those the most. I have even saved most of those.

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