Joy’s 7 Days of Give-A-Ways … Day Two!!

Woo hoo Day Two!!

Today’s Give-a-Way is Armour Etch, a sponge brush & a small sheet of vinyl!!  These are some of my FAVORITE THINGS!!  You know what you can do with those things?  Glass Etch!!

Here’s a link to some of the glass etching posts.

Remember…all you have to do to enter is…

All you have to do is… add a comment to this post. Now remember, to comment you have to register. I’ll choose a random winner (using next Wednesday! I’ll contact the winner through the email they used to register. The winner will have a week to respond or I’ll choose another winner. After all winners of each day of Give-a-Ways have responded, I will list the winners names in a Winner’s Post for everyone to see. Ok? Good luck!! 😀 And thanks for being part of my site!


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  1. OOOOhhhhhhh etching is one of my favorite things to do for my friends. I personalize glasses for them. Great giveaway thanks.

  2. wow. this one really is something. i haven’t etched in a while and would love some new product. thanks for the great ideas and great blog.

  3. Fun – another project I haven’t had the chance to try yet. Maybe I’ll be doing some etching soon?! Thanks!

  4. Thanks for offering these great gifts I would love to try glass etching after seeing some of the awesome Christmas gifts people made with it during the holiday season.

  5. Etching looks like something I might be able to handle! I’d love to try making some gift items for family and friends using this product. Thanks for the demo!

  6. I’m nervous to try this, but I certainly would if I won this great giveaway!! You rock Joy!! 🙂

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