
How to Use Cri-Kit Gel Pens with the Silhouette SD

In this video, I show you how to use the Cri-Kit gel pens in the Silhouette SD.  I’ll make a card using my You’re so Punny stamp set, the Silhouette SD and the Cri-Kit gel pens with the Silhouette holder. I hope you enjoy it!

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  1. I love this card…especially the bling on the front and on the inside of the card…very clever! Thanks for sharing. I have never seen the Silhouette so that was fun, too!

  2. THat is SO PRETTY! I love the pen work and you did an awesome job with the bling! 🙂

  3. Joy, I love your card! I think the Cri-Kits gel pens can add so much to one’s project! Thanks for the video on using them in the Silhouette.

  4. Your card is so clever. Thank You for showing how the Silhouette works. Looks like a nice machine.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

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