This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Visit Gulf County. All opinions are 100% mine.

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

I’m always so inspired by the Fall.  I love the changing colors, fall wardrobes, the lower temperatures and the fun fall foods.  I’ve always considered the Fall my autumn Spring.  Yes, I said that.  I’m serious though.  It always seems like the start of something more than the end, to me.  Since my daughter goes to school on the Gulf Coast, I’m always thinking, how can we turn this into a vacation?  So, spending time down there has become a new Fall tradition.  I was just there last weekend and we’re already planning our next getaway.  I like adventures and thought the family would love to check out Gulf County.  Here are my adventure ideas!

If you want more adventure ideas, check out the Gulf County Adventure Guide!

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Shark Fishing
I want to do this so badly!  With Fish’N Xpress, I can take the family on a 3-hour shark fishing trip. They make it easy by including all equipment, bait and licenses.  The 60 ft, 44 passenger boat leaves at 5pm and comes back around 8pm. You put your hook in the water and can catch up to an 8 ft tiger shark, get your picture taken and release the shark at the end! I really want to grab a pair of flip flops, get the family in the car and leave right now. This is a memory that I know my husband, kids and I will never forget. Fun!

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Hiking & Seafood
I love to check out places by foot, so I don’t miss anything. At St. Joseph Peninsula State Park, you can go for a hike and witness the local wildlife.

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

We have a chance of seeing deer, bobcats, raccoon, Kingfishers, Great Horn Owl, and even otters!  Otters are so cute.  What a great way to enjoy nature and get exercise at the same time!

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Then we can go out to eat and try the local seafood. Yum! Did you know that besides seafood they also have tons of food and dishes made with Tupelo Honey? It’s harvested in Gulf County. You had me at local honey. Yes, bees. I mean please.

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Kayaking in the Dead Lakes
I’m going to make a ton of zombie references to my kids but actually the Dead Lakes get their name from the Cypress and Tupelo trees that stand in the water. When the water is low, you can see the stumps rising out of the swamp.

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Also, you had me at swamp.  I love my swamp show on TV, so this speaks to me.  I think we’d have a blast paddling around the shallows in the South Flats.  I hope we’ll get a chance to see the fog coming off the water.  What a fun adventure!

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

Horseback Riding

I recently took my youngest son horseback riding for the first time.  We were in the woods at a lake near our house.  We had a great time!  Later, we started talking about how cool it would be to horseback ride on the beach.  He didn’t know that there were places that you can do that.  There are!  In Gulf County you can horseback ride right along the beach and watch the sunset over the ocean.  That’s something I don’t want any of us to miss.

Gulf County Adventures Become Traditions #GCFLnofilter #ad

With school and all of its activities back in session, it’s even more important to find the time to spend together as a family.  Creating traditions is a great way to plan that time and know that you can count on it.  With the crowds down and the cool breezes coming off the beach, I know this Gulf County adventure could become a great Fall tradition.

Here’s a great start to your next adventure!  10 winners a week from 9/28/15 – 10/25/15 will have a chance to win a $50 gift card to have an adventure of their own in their local town!  Enter right away for your chance to be one of the newest winners!

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