Dollar Store Mirror + Glass Etching Cream + Cool Cut File & Vinyl = This!
Have you tried glass etching before? If you haven’t, I hope you’ll try it! It’s easy, inexpensive and packs such a visual punch.
Here’s what you’ll need:

You’ll need glass etching cream, a foam brush, glass or a mirror and a template or stencil. I made a template using vinyl and Lori Whitlock’s Christmas Word Art. I recommend buying mirrors and/or glass for etching from the Dollar Store. That’s where I got this mirror. The price is soooo RIGHT! 😉
Need vinyl? I like to buy mine from Expressions Vinyl.

Instead of just applying vinyl to a mirror, which is a cool project on its own, I used the vinyl as a resist and added Armour Etch glass etching cream. I cut the vinyl using my Silhouette Cameo then used transfer tape to move the vinyl to the mirror. Check out this link for other vinyl projects I’ve done.
Need help with the Silhouette Cameo? Check out these tutorials.

I know better. I really do. That knowledge didn’t stop me from “stupid crafting” though. Please. Remove the mirror from the frame. The next step after this is washing off the etching cream. You don’t want to destroy the backing of the frame that holds your mirror in. Do as I say…(everyone say it with me…) “not as I do”. Right? Ok. 😉

I let the etching cream sit on the mirror for about 20 minutes…or so…actually, I ate dinner and lost track of time but then I got back to it! I washed the cream off and removed the vinyl. I use a either a craft knife or pick tool or “hook” to help me “pick” up the vinyl. Just be careful not to scratch the etched area when picking off the vinyl.

I added washi tape around the edges to add a little color…and also because I was an idiot and glass etched this mirror while it was still in the frame so the edges didn’t get covered. Who does that? Anyway, necessity is the mother of invention…or maybe stupidity is the need-creator of a Washi tape cover-up. Either way, I think I Forrest Gumped my way into a solution that worked out well.

Voila, I have an awesome mirror.

My son thinks it’s cool that he can look into this and still see his face. LOL!
Here are a few glass etching projects I’ve done. I do a cool glass etching technique in my Cricut Vinylology DVD too. 😉
Don’t hesitate to try a glass etching project. Just do what I did, buy your mirror at the Dollar Store. Now with all that money you saved on a mirror, you can shop for more fun files! See, I’m always thinking! LOL!
Great job on this project Joy! I love your step by step tutorials! Thanks!
i’ve etched glass, but never mirror. i love the effect. i’ll try this. thanks for sharing…great project! i love it!
I LOVE THIS!!! I can’t wait to try it. I love subway art and this is just adorable! Thanks for the great project!
Deb C