5 Days of Give-A-Ways on Joy’s Life.com!!

That’s my furry BFF, Domino.  (Don’t be afraid.  I have non-furry friends too.  LOL!)

I wanted to do a little something to celebrate the start of CHA which is the International Craft and Hobby Association trade show.  I’m sad that I’m too swamped to go, but I’m happy that some of my work will be there at the Cri-Kit’s booth #2041.  I’ll show you a video about what I made soon!  I sincerely hope that my work took some large suitcases with it because I want it to bring me back pictures and lots of cool stuff.  I also hope that my work has it’s own money because I don’t think I can afford it’s shopping habits.

So, be sure you check in with me all week starting Monday (and before and after that too…because you never know what SuperJoy might post).  I can tell you that I bought some Cricut cartridges in anticipation of this Give-A-Way!!  Woo hoo!  Hey, I’ll also have crafty posts to go along with my give-a-ways.  YAY!


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  1. I bet Domino would be more excited if your giveaways included a bag of cat treats! That picture is adorable!

  2. Ooooooh sounds good to me!! I bought the Cri-Kits (since I didnt win them.. boo hoo) and am now anxiously awaiting their arrival. Thanks for having such a fun blog!

  3. Domino may not be excited but I am. Cri-Kits are definitely at the top of my wish list. Love your video.

  4. I always love to visit your blog. Domino is sooo cute. I use to have cat just like that except she was named Oreo. LOL. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I’m a kitty lover too! I have a gray and white kitty named Sweetie. She is absolutely sweet and only comes out of her hidi-holes when strangers aren’t around.

    My second kitty is named Neo. Named after the movie the Matrix. (I love Keanu Reeves!) He is my baby. He purrs a lot!

    Both kitties are lap cats! They are always head butting our hands in hopes that they will get pet. (We always comply!)

    Can’t wait for Monday! Monday’s are usually a drag, but now I have something to look forward to!


  6. If your demo’ing the cri-kits in your video… they’re bound to sell TONS! I was super impressed and I’m sure I’m not the only one! Thanks again Joy! – Rebecca

  7. Hi Joy:
    I was so impressed with your video on dry embossing with the Cricut I dug out my decorator foil and tried a b’fly in Walk in My Garden and the bird/ b’dly and brackets in Home Accents. How neat. Question: How did you do the bee that you demonstrated without it tearing (all those curly q’s)? I ended up with my settings at Speed 3, Pressure 5 and Depth 4, what are yours?
    Anxious to hear if you cut it out w. the cricut also, I cut mine out with a scissor. Anxious to hear from you about this.

    Rosie in SD

    1. Hey Rosie,
      I can’t remember what my settings were. I’m going to have to try that again and see. Also, I didn’t cut it out, but I think if you just left the metal where it is then put the blade in and then did a shadow cut you’d get a nice cut. You might use the deep cut blade for that too. 😉 If you have a Gypsy or Design Studio you could get it lined up perfectly for the cut. 🙂 Good luck!

  8. I’m very excited…about this….and about all the new goodies we’ll be hearing about from CHA…wish I could be there! Guess we’ll just have to wait. Thanks for making it bearable!! 🙂

  9. I love all of your comments! I read them to my family on our way home from DH’s company BBQ. Everyone enjoyed them. Thank you!! 🙂

  10. I would be thrilled, no really, I would be thrilled to win something (my husband, bless his supportive heart would like it for a change too) Thank you in the opportunity. WIll check back frequently and have a fabulous time at CHA.

  11. Fantickletic-Just can’t wiat. Have not entered any contest since I got my Cricut, but am more excited everyday about things. Printed off your cartrdge checklist and I now have 28. Yea. I know it doesn’t seem like many, but to me it is a lot. Thanks for the chance to win. I will be back on Monday.

  12. must put this on my yahoo calendar! Winning..would be so fun (duh). Have a great time at CHA. Kitty cat is cute, cute, cute.
    I am eagerly awaiting the new vinyl video in my mailbox…..yee haw!

  13. I would LOVE to go to CHA.. maybe for you next year! maybe me. lol
    I would LOVE to win!! Will one of them be old west??? (I was referring to the post about the wood piece lol) I will eagerly be checking it out this next week… Thank you!! LOVE your site – it’s fun.. Dominic is so content.. at least appears that for now. lol

  14. Wow, just popped by to have a look for some info on vinyl and saw this can’t wait to see what you post.
    Kim xXx

  15. I see Domino likes bling, too! Hope your work has a great trip. Sounds like a fun event. Thanks — for both the informational content and always cracking me up!

  16. The wedding cards that I have been working on for months……well maybe a couple of weeks had my stuff been at my house are finally done except for addressing the envelopes. I will probably post a picture of them on oh my crafts blog for anyone who wants to look at them. We might do something inside of them too. like where she is registered. Happy crafting everyone

    1. Marlene, that’s great that you’re finished! Congratulations! I know you’ve been working on them so long. I can’t wait to see what they look like. I hope you’ll post a photo on my “Joy Joyslife” Facebook page. I’d be thrilled to see them. I’m sure they are beautiful!

  17. Oh I will be back on Monday! Just bought my Cricut and can’t wait to play with it. Darn sister’s wedding kept me from it.

  18. Hi Joy, I check your website a lot but finally registered. I figure sooner or later you will talk me into buy a circuit so I might as well sign up…lol

    1. Welcome CrafterWannaBe! Yes, I’m sure that I can probably lead you to the Cricut side, LOL! I’m glad you’re here. Thank you for registering and for being part of my site. 🙂

  19. Hi Joy: Great Video….I need to go through the others you have…My gypsy doesn’t seem to have those layered tabs that you show. Must be doing something wrong. I got the “other” gel pens holder. I haven’t had much luck with it. Guess it all comes down to practice, practice. Look forward to more of your videos…

  20. Thanks for the awesome give aways! You’re videos are awesome! Cute stuff 🙂

  21. I know that Domino is rooting for me to win the cricut gel pens and holder. He called my cat and told her so. Keep your pawpads crossed Domino! 🙂 Mary

  22. I recently found your site and I just love it! The quirky way you write is just like me. The kids in my classroom never know what I might say next.

  23. Wow I really want theses. I know I won’t be able to afford the Image for a long time. This will be the next best thing.

  24. I’m excited about give aways.. i would love to win something for once.. lol.. my best friend owns 13 cats and we’ve been friends for over 30 years domino reminds me of his cat name oreo who always bites me when i go over to visit..
    thanks 🙂

  25. I am excited about your give aways, mostly because it’s a good way for me to see what’s new out there. I love your cat too.

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