We’re Having Lots of Pun – Day 3 Give A Way

There is Lots of Pun to be had today!  We’re going to get to check out what some of the Joy’s Life Designers and special friends have created using the Joy’s Life Lots of Pun stamps.  You know what else is fun about that?  Each one of the links I’ve listed below is also GIVING AWAY A SET OF JOY’S LIFE STAMPS!! So make sure you leave a comment on each of the Joy’s Life Day 3 Give A Way posts on the blogs I list.  You’ll have a chance to win from those ladies
AND…I’m giving away a set here too!

Here’s a link to some things that have been created with the Joy’s Life Lots of Pun Stamps.

Here are all of the talented ladies blogs you should visit for a chance to win a set of stamps from each of their crafty blogs!!









Don’t forget to leave me a comment here too!  I’ll draw use Random.org to draw a winner for a set of my Lots of Pun stamps on August 2, 2010.


P.S. I’ve updated the Cricut Cartridge Checklist, so go get yours printed out!


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  1. already have your stamps and love them. but if i win, I am giving to a friend. thanks for all the ideas.

    shanasewing at yahoo dot com

  2. I finally got Create A Critter-these are next on my list. Thanks Joy!

  3. Hi Chickie,

    I love your stamps! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Happy CHA Week!


  4. jenpartridge says:


    What I wouldn’t give to win a set of your AWESOME stamps!!! 🙂 I absolutely love them and would put them to good use!

    Thanks so much for sponsoring the best giveaway,


  5. Even if I don’t win a thing, I will probably be ordering your stamps sometime before Christmas. I really love what you do.

  6. crystalsnap says:

    Woop….woop…..great stamps!!!!!

  7. Love stamp sets and I know I would get a lot of use out of these….fun fun fun!!!!

  8. I would love a set of these stamps! Thanks Joy!

  9. Love your stamps. Hopefully soon I will get a set of them. Thank you for updating the list!!!

  10. Thanks Joy, great looking stamps, would love to have them

  11. Oh wow! I have had my eye on these since I first saw them..they are sooooo cute! Thank you for a chance to win them!!!!

  12. scottandcarr says:

    I’m with Marlene….if I don’t win them, I’m going to be ordering them! They are so cute, and will go GREAT with my new Create-a-Critter cart!

  13. carboncopies says:

    Your stamps just get cuter every time I see them! I hope to get to see them in person soon… lol

  14. ladybugCarrie says:

    LOVE your stamps and I would be trilled to win a set! Thank you so much for the chance! 🙂

  15. ScrapinMadCrafts says:

    These stamps are on my Christmas list! Thank you for the chance to win 🙂

  16. I would love to win your stamps they are so cute! Thanks for all the great giveaways!!

  17. I would love to have a set of your stamps. Have to save up, so I haven’t been able to get them yet! Thanks for the chance.

  18. winnielosie says:

    THANKS JOY for the chance to win your stamps vicky

  19. hipmonkeyLisa says:

    Love your stamps…I need to order them! Thanks for opportunity!!

  20. Great stamps! Thanks for a chance!

  21. Oh, I would just love to have a set of your stamps! They have SOOO many uses!!

  22. harleychickx2 says:

    Love your blog and love your stamps. Thanks for all of your great giveaways!

  23. cullersfamily says:

    I don’t have hardly any stamps but am dying to try them out!!!! Could end up being my new favorite scrappin tool!!!

  24. Great fun, sort of a Creative Pun Blog Hop! Will check the girls out for sure!

  25. Wow, so much talent and extra fun. Thanks!

  26. Cute stamps. Thank you for the chance to win.

  27. I love those stamps!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways!!

  28. simplybren says:

    Wow I would love to win these. I am hoping to oder a set as soon as vacation is over but this would be much better!! Thanks for the chance.

  29. dixonmommy says:

    I love your stamps and cant wait to own them! They are on my list to buy, so cute! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  30. Great stamps. I would love to have them!! Great ideas from all the designers!

  31. Yeah! I want these really bad so please pick me as the winner. They are so stinkin cute!

  32. alwaysfriendli says:

    Cute stamps! Who doesn’t love puns?

  33. jtaylor2004 says:

    Those are so cute. I would love to win them.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. giveaways are the best!

  35. leahscarddesigns says:

    OH Joy these are wonderful!!!! What fun I would have with my little one with these as we craft together!

  36. Those stamps are so cute. I love the sayings especially the monkeying around!

  37. Cheryl Parks says:

    I can never have enough stamps! I love these!

  38. thanks Joy your stamps are wonderful! Good luck all

    aecopenhaver @ gmail. com

  39. amandawoodau says:

    These are so cute!! Would love to have a set of these!

  40. ksteigert says:

    Would love to have a set of these stamps! Thanks for the give-a-way! Now off to blog hop (one of my favorite things to do!) 🙂

  41. I think your stamps are so cute,and would love to win them!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! Love your site!! :o}

  42. clairbear3 says:

    Awesome stamps! I would love to have a set of these babies 🙂

  43. I have this on my Christmas list along with the vinylology dvd!

  44. I have wanted this set forever!!! I hope I win!!! 🙂 Thanks!

    Julie L.

  45. jennyplace26 says:

    thesestamps are just so adorable, fingers crossed on the give away. \thanks.

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