Captain’s Log…Day Twelve (But Wait, There’s More) ~ Vermont 2nd Full Day ~ 2nd Tour of the Day

After cramming all of our VT teddy bears, alien and not, into Ye Ole Minivan, I threatened my GPS poltergeist and he finally gave up the location of our next tour stop, Cabot Cheese. Awww, man. No way. Backtrack? I’m all about the circular route at home and I especially don’t like to backtrack when…

Captain’s Log Day Twelve – Vermont 2nd Full Day – 1st Tour of the Day – Vermont Teddy Bear

Captain’s Log Day Twelve – Vermont 2nd Full Day – 1st Tour of the Day – Vermont Teddy Bear

Today we got back on the tour bus that is known as Ye Ole Minivan and booked it on over to Vermont Teddy Bear. What a CUTE tour! Now, you don’t know this but I worked for VT Teddy Bear just this year selling bears for them online. I got the job through a legitimate…

Captain’s Log… Day 10 (Morning) ~ REDRUM – Mt. View Grand, New Hampshire & New Mainemontshire

I told you I shouldn’t have watched The Shining before I left home. The Mt. View Grand Resort & Spa has as creep factor of 11 on a scale of 1-10. Now, it’s pretty, modernized and welcoming, but I swear…I think there are only 4 people working here and 5 people staying here. The hotel…